Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ
Do you work with divorce and/or separated families?
Yes, however we do require a certain level of non-conflictual communication between caregivers. Therapists are also unable to be mediators between caregivers.
Where one parent or caregiver has sole custody and decision making ability, they will be required to provide documentation to confirm this. In cases where there is no formal custody agreement or where parents have joint custody, both parents will need to be informed of and consent to services prior to services commencing.
We do not provide parenting capacity assessments or any recommendations regarding custody and access for a child.
What are your fees for service?
Due to being a multidisciplinary team with a variety of levels of training and experience, we all have different fees for service. We do our best to ensure that our fees are comparable to other service providers in the area.
Do you offer a sliding scale for fees for service?
We offer a sliding scale for therapy whenever we have the capacity to do so.
Are your services covered by insurance?
How much of your fee will be covered by insurance depends on your specific benefits package. We strongly encourage you to verify your insurance benefits and determine if services will be covered by your plan. In general, most packages will offer some amount of coverage for mental health services, social work services and/or psychological services.
How do I pay?
Payments can be made via e-transfer or credit card. You will be provided with an invoice and receipt that you can then use for insurance reimbursement, if applicable.
What ages do you serve?
We work with children and teens from 0-18yrs. We also work with adults.
What issues/challenges do you work with?
We work with a wide variety of presenting concerns, including depression, anxiety, behavioural concerns, work stress, childhood trauma, relationship challenges, and so on. Our team is attachment and trauma-informed.
Therapy FAQ
What should I expect during an initial therapy session?
In our first full session together, we will spend time getting to know you and discuss what has prompted you to begin therapy. We will also gather information to better understand your circumstances, strengths, and concerns, and we will begin to tailor your treatment plan to you specifically. This will involve discussing the modalities we think may be helpful (e.g. play therapy, elements of CBT, DBT, etc). We will also talk about frequency of appointments and possible length of service. We work collaboratively with you, giving you our recommendations but also ensuring that your perspective and needs are central.
How long does therapy take?
Length of therapy is different for everyone. It really depends on what you are seeking therapy for and our treatment plan that we develop together. Sometimes people seek therapy to achieve short-term goals while at other times longer-term work is what you’re looking for. We are able to offer both, as appropriate. You and your clinician will regularly check in with each other about your goals, your progress, and any concerns you have, so that we can ensure that the services you are receiving remain aligned to your preferences and needs.
Assessment FAQ
What is involved in a psychological assessment or psychoeducational assessment?
Whether you are looking for a psychoeducational or a more comprehensive assessment, the process always begins with an intake interview. In this interview, you will be asked questions about developmental, family, and social history as well as about strengths and symptoms/concerns.
Next, tests are given over the course of a few dates. All assessments will include a cognitive test as well as an academic test. When exploring beyond a psychoeducational assessment, more tests are added to investigate the presenting concern and can include measures that look at attention, memory, and socioemotional functioning. Questionnaires will also be provided.
Following testing and completion of questionnaires, we will meet for a feedback session where the results of the assessment will be shared with you. Recommendations based on the unique profile found in testing will also be shared.
You will then receive a final report containing all background information, results, and recommendations.
How long does a psychological assessment take?
The process length varies depending on how we schedule each appointment. However, in general feedback and report occur approximately one month following the final testing session.
Why pursue psychological assessment?
Assessments are sought for many different reasons. A psychoeducational assessment can identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses as well as identify any learning challenges, which can be helpful for navigating school. Comprehensive psychological assessment explores these areas as well as puts these results in a greater context, often investigating whether any diagnoses exist such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. Comprehensive psychological assessment can also explore the impact of trauma on a profile.
What are your fees for psychological assessment?
Currently our fees are $3000 for a psychoeducational assessment and $3500 for a more comprehensive psychological assessment, which would explore whether ADHD is present or any other possible diagnoses; social and emotional functioning is investigated. In rare circumstances, total cost may be more or less than indicated here, but we would identify that and discuss that with you at the onset of assessment.
What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
A psychologist holds a Ph.D. or Psy.D. and can assess and diagnose, as well as provide therapy and intervention. Psychological assessment is a longer and more thorough process. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can diagnose and prescribe medication; assessments are typically brief and therapy is not often offered.